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[SCIE] A Study on the Improvement of Power Density of Axial Flux Motors for Collaborative Robot Joints through Same-Direction Skew / MACHINES
2023-07-30 21:13:13 178

Title : A Study on the Improvement of Power Density of Axial Flux Motors for Collaborative Robot Joints through Same-Direction Skew

Authors : Min-Ki Hong, Hyun-Jo Pyo, Si-Woo Song, Dong-Hoon Jung, Won-Ho Ki m

Date of Publication : 2023.03


Edition : SCIE

Journal : Machines

ISSN : 2075-172

Region : 스위스


Impact Factor (2020) : 54.17

Journal Impact Factor Rank : 127/276

Journal Impact Factor Percentile : 3.09

Journal Impact Factor Quartile : Q2

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